segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

Man on the moon

Hoje comemora-se uma data especial, o Homem foi à Lua, e já lá vão 4o anos. Eu sou uma pessoa céptica por natureza, mas não tanto, não ao ponto de não acreditar que esteve lá. No entanto, deixo aqui 20 razões para os ainda mais cépticos que eu, são 20 razões que mostram que tudo não terá passado de uma mentira.

1.       The likelihood of success was calculated to be so small that it is inconceivable the moon landings could have actually taken place.

 2.       Every Apollo mission before number 11 was plagued by about 20,000 defects apiece. Yet, with the exception of Apollo 13, NASA claims there wasn’t   one major technical problem on any of their Moon missions.

 3.       The poor video quality of the  first moon landings was a deliberate ploy so nobody could properly examine it.

 4.       There can’t be any pictures taken on the moon because the film would melt in the 250 degrees temperature

 5.       Every Apollo photograph appears to be perfectly composed, focused and exposed, despite the fact the astronauts used cameras without viewfinders and light meters.

6.       The black sky should be full of stars, yet none are visible in any of the Apollo photographs.

 7.       There are several photographs of objects that are in shadows, yet they appear lighted and with surprising detail. Objects located in shadows should appear totally black.

 8.       In many photographs the Shadow side of the astronauts appears illuminated, while the shadow side of rocks appears totally black.

 9.       Shadows cast on the lunar surface should be parallel. Some shadows in the Apollo photos are not parallel indicating more than one light source, thus the photos are fakes.

 10.   Apollo 11 footage shows the astronauts shadows increasing and decreasing in length as they move about. This is because they are in close proximity to a large artificial light source that causes their shadows to change as they move toward or away from the light.

 11.   Many Apollo photographs show lighting “hot spots”, as well as a darkening of the surface towards the horizon. Sunlight should not produce hot spots, nor should the surface fade in an airless environment.

 12.   Some Apollo photographs show mysterious lights in the shadow background that appear to be studio spotlights.

 13.   Only two men walked on the moon during each Apollo mission, yet there are photos in which the astronaut reflected in the visor has no camera. Who took the shot?

 14.   In an Apollo 11 photograph of Buzz Aldrin the horizon is located at eye level; however, if the camera was mounted to Neil Armstrong’s chest, the horizon should be at chest level.

 15.   There is one photograph of an  Astronaut standing on the surface of the moon in direct sunlight, yet he casts no shadow, which is impossible.

 16.   Not one still photograph matches the videos footage, yet NASA claims both were shot at the same time.

 17.   If Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon,  then who shot the video of him descending the ladder and taking  his initial steps on the lunar surface?

 18.   Two photographs show an identical mountain background, yet in one the lunar module is present while in the other the LM is absent. The mountain scene must be an artificial backdrop.

 19.   Two video clips, claimed by NASA to have been taken at different locations many kilometers apart, show an identical hill.

 20.    Some of the Apollo video shows the American flag fluttering. How can the flag flutter when there is no wind on the airless moon?

 Ainda acreditam que o Armstrong e o Aldrin lá estiveram? :)

PS: As razões encontram-se em inglês porque não tive paciência de traduzir, e foram retiradas de um sítio algures na internet.